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Android Secret Codes and Hacks You Need to Know

Unlock hidden actions on your smartphone 

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by: Abubakar doma

October 21, 2022 in: Smartphones

Android phones are great devices for those who like to have a lot of customization options and control over their device’s operating system. Your Android device comes with pre-installed and automatically activated features that ensure your smartphone’s security and functionality.

There are also hidden features and Android hacks that you can activate by entering the so-called USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) codes.

Table of Contents

What Do USSD Codes Do?

How to Use USSD Codes on Your Android Device

Codes to Improve Your Device’s Security

Codes for Efficient Phone Management

Codes to Perform Factory Tests on Your Android Device

Codes to Learn Important Info About Your Phone

Codes for Call Management & Billing Info

Use the Secret Android Codes to Become a Pro User

Here’s a list of Android secret codes that allow you to unlock hidden actions on your smartphone.

What Do USSD Codes Do?

USSD codes are hidden codes that allow you to access certain features of your mobile phone without the need of going through your settings. These feature codes look like a combination of numbers and symbols and normally begin with an asterisk (*) or a hashtag (#).

Android secret codes are programmed into your SIM card or mobile phone number and allow your smartphone to communicate with your mobile network operator. You can use these codes to do things on your smartphone faster and thus become a more efficient user.

In this list, you’ll find the most common secret codes that work on most Android phones, and some of them even work on iPhones. However, depending on your cell phone’s manufacturer, the Android version your phone’s running, your region, and phone apps, some codes might not work. That could be the case if you’re using a dual SIM smartphone. There are also codes that are specific for different carriers and different phone models, so they’ll only work for them.

The only way to find out whether a certain code works for you is to try using it on your Android phone.

How to Use USSD Codes on Your Android Device

The USSD codes can actually simplify your daily smartphone use. You don’t have to scroll through your settings looking for a particular feature anymore. Instead, you need to follow these quick steps.

Open your smartphone’s dialer (phone app). It’s usually located on your main screen.

Enter the USSD code that you want to use.

Some codes will start loading automatically, for others you’ll need to select the Call button.

Below you’ll find a list of the USSD codes for Android that you should try. We divided all of the secret codes into categories according to their functions.

Codes to Improve Your Device’s Security

These USSD codes are the most important ones of all. Use these security codes if your phone isn’t working properly and if you’re suspicious of a third-party affecting your handset. Using them will either put your mind at ease or get you acting quicker if you find out that hackers are tampering with your device.

*#06#: An important USSD code, especially when you’re buying a new or pre-owned Android device. You can use it to see your smartphone’s IMEI number and check if it’s the same as the one listed on the box or on the back of the phone.

*#0*#: Activates general test mode. You can use this code to test a number of different features of your smartphone. The things you can choose from the test menu include front cam testing, LED testing, sub key, touch testing, running barcode emulator test, checking your device version, RGB testing, and grip sensor testing.

*#*#232338#*#*: Displays Wi-Fi MAC address. The Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique address of your device that can be used to identify it while it’s connected to a network. If you suspect a data breach, use this code to view the MAC address and check if it corresponds with your network.


A USSD code that shows your phone firmware info that includes PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), RF (Radio Frequency), call date, hardware, your smartphone model, and the manufacturing date (or RFCallDate). You can find out if any of this information has been changed which could be the cause for your system malfunctioning.

*#3282*727336*#: Use this code to view your storage & system information. When you use this code, you’ll see the data consumption details on your screen. If you notice any unusual details, that could be proof that someone’s using your phone remotely.

*#*#34971539#*#*: A code that allows you to view your camera information. That includes the number of cameras on your phone, firmware version information, camera modules, and else. You can also use this code to see if someone tampered with your camera firmware.

*#*#1472365#*#*: This USSD code triggers a quick GPS test. Checking if your Android GPS works correctly can help you in a number of situations, like when you lose your phone or when someone steals it. If your GPS is on, you can use this data to locate your device.

*#*#4636#*#*: A useful code for viewing your battery, WLAN status, and Wi-Fi information. Aside from battery and WLAN tests, you can use this code to find out who accessed your apps thanks to the usage statistics displayed.

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